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Small Group Reading and Writing Tutoring

Reading Acceleration Academy

A multi-week tutoring program designed to accelerate your child’s reading level (i.e, their ability to read harder and harder books with accuracy and fluency, their knowledge of high-frequency words, their comprehension). Children leave with a report on skills and progress.

Summer Writing Workshop: A multi-week tutoring program designed to accelerate your child’s writing skills and stamina (i.e, their ability to write in different genres- narrative, informational, opinion). Children leave with a report on skills and progress, and a published book!


Who: Children…

  • who are going into grades 1-5

  • who are challenged by reading and writing, love reading and writing, or, simply want to get a leg up in reading or writing as they enter the next school year.

  • are grouped with 1-3 other children

  • FOR READING ONLY: are grouped into reading stages as opposed to grades. We ask that you find out from your child’s teacher the book level your children is reading at the end of the year so we have the appropriate information for grouping. (Writing groups are by grade)


Where: St. Mary’s-Wayne, PA 



Reading Acceleration Academy: M, W, Th, 9-11:00 OR M, W, Th 1-3 

Summer Writing Workshop: T, Th 9-11 or 1-3

  • Session 1: 3 weeks of June 20th, 27th, July 4th (T-Fri this week)

  • Session 2: 3 weeks of July 18th, 25th, August 1st

  • Session 3: choose 3 weeks to come to within these 4 weeks: 8.1, 8.15, 8.22, 8.29


**We do not recommend attending if you will need to miss more than 2 dates.


Why Thrive?:

An approach to literacy instruction that incorporates the best of… reading science, direct and explicit phonics instruction, great quality books, nurturing environment, a workshop structure for learning (I do, we do, you do).  Instruction is prescriptive, screen-free, and fun!


Email Thrive for interest and registration!





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